
Jamie Connell

Connell Funeral Home

Meet Jamie

Jamie is a Business Builder. Coming from a family-run business, Jamie is part of the fourth generation running Connel Funeral Home. Jamie Connel focuses both on running his business effectively and his home. He cares about being a good father and husband to his family. Jamie has a great perspective on life and business, get to know him more.

BBCamp Savannah 2023

Hear From Jamie On The Business Builder Podcast

Jamie is featured in this episode of the Business Builder Podcast. You can learn about his history and experience in running a funeral home business.

Join Jamie Connell At Business Builder Camp!

Learn More About Jamie

When you meet Jamie at Business Builder Camp, talk to him about life. Get to know him and how he approaches family and business. He has deep insight that you can learn from and grow from. Join Jamie at camp!

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