Professional Business Coaching

Building a business should be fun, exciting, and enjoyable. For many business owners, it is not. That’s a problem. When you work with a professional business coach, you gain clarity on the blind spots and weak points of your business. Or, if you are already aware of those problem areas, our coaching helps you overcome those hurdles. We can help you run your business more effectively and determine where to delegate and where to manage.

A coach for business owners helps companies overcome the challenges that take the joy out of running a business. Get back on the path of a Business Builder where you can enjoy the very reason you started a company.

Contact Us

    Coaching For Business Owners

    We work with a variety of business owners in their journey to build a successful company. Having an industry-agnostic approach allows for our interaction and mastermind groups to flourish. No matter what industry you work in, all business owners struggle with their company’s mission and vision, hiring and firing, sales, marketing, or business milestones.

    What Business Owners Do We Coach?

    We have coached business owners that are in their first years of starting a business. We have also coached owners who have had their company or companies for many years. There are entrepreneurs that receive our coaching and build businesses as fast as they sell them. While our coaching is focuses on business owners, it is primarily focuses on Business Builders. Because of this, we also have CEOs, family-run businesses and executives who we mentor and guide on their Business Builder journey.

    Specialized Business Owner Coaching

    No business is exactly the same, and each business owner has their own challenges. Through our one-on-one coaching, events, and mastermind groups for business owners, we develop a personalized coaching approach for each of our Business Builders.

    Below are a few of the common areas we focus on when coaching business owners, CEOs, founders and executives:

    1. One-On-One Advising For Business Owners

    Business Builder Camp performs one-on-one coaching for business owners.

    2. Coaching For Business Growth

    One of the primary reasons business owners need coaching is they have reached a plateau in their company’s development. Coaching for business growth has a variety of subcategories that are unique to each owner and business. Some business owners need coaching on their sales strategy, others need to systematize their company’s operation. Here are a few common ones we have seen:



    When you started your company, you likely had a pretty strong handle on why you were doing it. Whether is was a better alternative that working for others or you craved the adrenaline rush of building something new and having financial freedom, you were solidly working toward your purpose. Now, as time has passed, that purpose can get muddied. Distractions, shiny object syndrome, and daily life can lead you to a place where it all just feels like running on a hamster wheel. I’ll work with you to clarify your purpose and make sure your behaviors, thinking and patterns are aligned!

    Prospecting & Growing Sales

    With a ton of tools and resources at our disposal, I’ll work with you to clearly define your sales goals and craft a plan to achieve them.

    Focus on Profit

    Perhaps your income is fantastic but profit is weak. Perhaps you are doing it all to maximize your personal profit but burning the killing yourself in the process. We’ll work together to check in on the balance and makes sure you are getting the profit you need while also achieving the life you want.

    CEO Skills

    When you build a business, it’s easy to get into a task master role. But, it is almost always true that that isn’t a good use of your CEO time or skills. I’ll coach you on how to put on your CEO cap and keep it on!


    Hiring is one of the hardest and scariest parts of being a CEO. A bad hire costs you more than money, it costs morale and time. I’ll equip you with knowledge and skills to make sure you hire right the first time.


    Systems and processes are the key to scaling your business. It’s both science and art. I’ll help you see where you can use systems and processes to streamline your work, add capacity and equip your people to do more with the same amount of time.

    3. Business Vision Mentoring

    As the owner of a company, you are steering the ship, guiding the mission, and blazing the trail for your company. If you do not know where your business is going, the ship will sink, the mission will fail, and the trail will go in circles. Our professional business coaching can help you gain clarity on the vision of your business.

    4. Work-Life Balance Coaching For Business Owners

    Working with a coach for business owners can not only grow your business and improve it, but it can improve your personal life by allowing you to reclaim the freedom that made you start a business in the first place.

    5. Online Coaching Options

    We have an option for coaching to be fully online. Many of our one-on-one sessions are held over zoom, so they can easily be scheduled into your day. Online business coaching is how we work with business owners throughout the United States from our location in rural Pennsylvania.

    Coaching For Small To Mid-Size Businesses

    While we are located in a quiet area of Schuylkill County, we work with small to mid-size businesses throughout the United States. We have found coaching business owners within this business size is effective because owners are still integrated into processes and know their business. Many family-owned businesses need a business coach as they transition ownership to their children or transition ownership out of their families. We love coaching small business owners to build their businesses to last.

    A Business builder receiving coaching on a front porch with a field for a view.

    Business Consulting Is A Commitment

    Our business owner coaching services are a commitment. We take time to break down barriers and peel back the layers of your business and your part as a business owner. That requires time and a time commitment from you in your already busy schedule. Without a business mentor, you will continue to have a busy schedule.


    1:1 Coaching is an investment of time and money. It’s intense work that required you to be focused on your own personal and business growth. Because of the commitment that Wayne makes to 1:1 Coaching clients, he only has space for a few clients.

    Most 1:1 coaching engagements last 1-3 years, however Wayne will coach a business owner for a 3-month reset if it is determined that is all that you need.


    Hiring a 1:1 coach is personal and we both want to make sure we are right for one another. Bring me a problem and I’ll spend a bit time coaching you. It’ll be a good test to see if my style is a good fit for you!


    During this discovery stage, we have a wide and deep 60-90 minute conversation about what you’re building in life and business. We talk about what’s missing and what you could use some help with. You’ll leave the conversation with an action plan 


    After our second call, you’ll have some homework. In this final 1-hour working call, we will follow up on the work you’ve done since the first conversation. Then, if we are a good fit, I’ll send you a proposal for a longer-term coaching engagement.

    Interested? Serious inquiries only.

    Contact Us For Professional Business Coaching Services

    Contact us to receive professional business owner coaching. Let’s see if we are a good fit, have a discovery session to learn about what you are building and decide on a business coaching plan to commit to. We can’t wait to develop your personal and business growth journey.



    To say that I get it is an understatement. I have lived and worked through the good times and bad as a business owner, husband, parent and provider.

    I grew up with strong role models who had entrepreneurship running through their blood. I learned from them - the good and the bad. But all of that didn’t stop me from making my own set of mistakes. I still had to make and learn from my own, sometimes catastrophic, errors of judgement.

    Now, I am building a business just like you. I am proud of the growth I’ve accomplished within myself and my business. I also know that my growth is a journey, not a destination and that I need mentors, team members, coaches, and trusted friends to help me stay the course.

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