BBcamp at the farm


Everyday, everwhere, teams struggle with the same things - infighting, low morale, mistrust, poor communication and more. It’s frustrating and directly affects productivity.

Your team needs time away for intentional training, so that you can be happier, healthier, and more profitable!

Executive Coaching

Within a business, your leadership team or core team determines the success and growth of your business. There is only so much you can do, only so much you can lead and coach each of your employees and remain effective. Our executive coaching can provide the training and leadership support your company needs.

What Is Executive Coaching?

Executive coaching is an effective approach to training and leading your business’s leadership team. Executive coaching brings a professional coach into your business’s leadership team to help guide them on working together more effectively. We also find the weak areas in a team that need reinforcing and support.

Who Is Executive Coaching For?

Executive coaching is for the decision makers within your company and the leaders that are in charge of a crew or team. This is the difference between business coaching and executive coaching. Business coaching is for business owners, while executive coaching is focused on your leadership team within your business. Make sure your management has the coaching they need to effectively guide your business.

How Can Executive Coaching Help My Team?

Within our executive coaching, we will work with your team as a whole to improve your business. This does not always look the same for every business. Some business leaders need guidance on communication. Others need direction in skill building or organization.



Most challenges within teams rises up because of confusion around the purpose of the work and how you work together. Team workshops can help you gain clarity so that you can all work from the same playbook.


Accountability isn’t something people do for you. It’s something you do for yourself, but having a group of people that you trust who know what you are holding yourself accountable for can make it easier.


There is a reason that the business book market is exploding. We all crave frameworks and tools that help us decrease the learning curve and cut straight to success. We will help you find the best tools and resources to fit your needs.


Because we believe this is worth your time and investment, we insist that you come to our farm for your workshop.

Your farm experience includes our full hospitality, including a wonderful meal!

When working with an executive coach, we gain perspective from you, the business owner, and then we meet your team to understand how they function and define their specific roles in the operation of your business. Many times, vocalizing what each person’s role within a business helps create a better understanding for the team on day one. As we work together, we will root out problem areas and coach on how to handle these issues and provide mediation within your executive team.

Common Areas That Need Coaching For Executive Teams

Typically, executive teams struggle with a variety of areas, but when they adopt a continuous improvement mindset, the below areas will improve and develop to increase efficiency and unity within your executive team.

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Organization
  • Processes
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Goal Development
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Accountability & Trust

Executive Coaching For Family Run Businesses

In a family run business, your family is often your executive team. As a family, you are always working on getting along and navigating emotions. Sometimes personal issues or past confrontations from years prior can creep into your family business’s operation. An executive coach for a family run business can help bring new perspectives and develop a mediator between family members that have a lot of history to work through and unpack.

Having a place like the Herring Farm that isn’t the family living room, kitchen, or office can help create an area for problem solving and open communication within your family. Contact us to set up an executive coaching session for your family.



Shoot us an email and share what your team is up to. Do you have goals, challenges, and opportunities for new/different ways of working?


Wayne will set up a call to get to know you better and share options for a leadership growth workshop.


Come to the farm, learn, share and grow as a team and as individuals.

Contact Us For Executive Coaching

Ready to improve your executive team and your entire business’s operation and functionality? Become a Business Builder and receive our executive coaching services. Professional executive coaching can be the difference your team needs to succeed far beyond your expectations and your competitors.

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Joshua Ott

Speaker/Ministry Coach, Grace Free Church

What an amazing experience! Wayne has a gift for coaching and consulting that has been a game changer for me and my team. Wayne started coaching me in early 2017 and it is incredible to now look back on the past two years and see how much ground we covered in my development as a leader. Wayne is insightful, discerning and excels at helping me see my blindspots and problem solve for them. Wayne is also a great guy to spend time with while deep diving into all of the intricacies of personal leadership development and organizational growth. This has been the best decision I ever made as a leader and I look forward to continued growth working as a client of Wayne Herring. I highly recommend securing Wayne as a coach for you and/or your team. Your growth as a leader and organization will be exponential. 

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Xana Winans

Owner/Founder Smart Market Dental, Owner/Founder Golden Proportions Marketing

My agency retained Wayne to spend a day teaching my team about sales, and we ended up getting so much more. He has completely transformed the way we are qualifying leads, the way we lead them through our discovery process, and how we close our clients. 

My team is very sensitive to the concept of "sales training" (we all have that "used car salesman" broken record in our heads), but they totally resonated with his approach. His method of teaching sales focuses on presenting prospects with an ethically based solution that only serves to solve their problem. If your company needs sales training or coaching (next up on our agenda!), you simply must call Wayne. 

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Gregory Gray

Founder of Southeast Small Business Leaders (SSBL)

Wayne is one of my favorite guys in the world of business coaching and consulting. He has an unmatched passion and zeal for the good stuff in life. His focus on family, friends and faith is incredible. Wayne is an influencer and connector. I consider him a brother and a friend. He could not come more highly recommended. 

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Chad James

Veteran Business Coach and Advisor

Wayne is one of the most interesting people I've ever met and boy, oh boy, does he have a knack for getting to the ROOT CAUSE of my challenges and then helping me put plans in place to overcome those challenges quickly and easily. I met Wayne when he was a partcipant in a coaching mastermind that I ran, now he's MY coach. Can't recommend him highly enough! 

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Michael W. Green

International Performance Coach, Speaker, and Guide

Wayne is a Man of great character, ability, and know how. He is straight to the point as he teaches you how to excel. Wayne's personality to gain trust and respect with those in front of him is the foundation of his success. Couple that with his experience and passion to support sustainable growth in individuals, teams, or companies, makes him a major value add to any team or company. 

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