
Matt Kulp

Legacy Planning Partners

Meet Matt

Matt is a Business Builder. He is dedicated to his business as well as to his family, his church, and the nonprofits he is involved with. From his experience in Legacy Planning Partners, he has so much insight to share with the Builders. We all learn from his expertise in building a business that has value and is successful without it relying on you every step of the way.

Matt is a great person to spend one-on-one time with at camp. He not only has great business and financial advice, but family and parenting advice. Some of the business builders are parents, and this is simply another area in our lives as business owners that we want to see thrive.

BBCamp Savannah 2023

Hear From Matt On The Business Builder Podcast

In this episode, Matt shares his knowledge and experience in growing his businesses and the importance and power of a great team.

Join Matt At Business Builder Camp!

Learn More About Matt

Matt is a leader and partner at his firm. At Business Builder Camp, while he is here to learn, he is also focused on pouring out into others and it can be seen with every interaction. Make sure you meet Matt and learn from him at Camp.

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