Learn How To Be A Business Builder ft. Jeff Large
Today we are joined by Jeff Large, the Owner of Laundry Systems of Tennessee and Wisconsin. Like many business owners, Jeff started his business with not a lot to building it now into an 8-Figure Business.
Jeff shares his business builder journey and how he has acquired customers, efficiency, and how to run things smoothly. As well as sharing his failed business and what he has learned from those experiences and share his gratitude for the people that have helped him along the way.
Jeff is a wealth of knowledge and experience. I think you’re going to really love this one.
For more information on Jeff Large and Laundry Systems of Tennessee, you can visit him at www.laundrysystemsoftennessee.com.

Jeff Large
Laundry Systems Commercial Equipment Company began when Jeff Large, president and owner, saw a demand in the commercial laundry repair and parts supply industry he knew he could fill – and fill well. Drawing upon his extensive HVAC, plumbing and electrical background, he built a strong reputation as a trustworthy and reliable serviceman. Now, more than 20 years later, Jeff and his wife, Tonya, have built one of the most succesful commercial laundry equipment and service distributorships in the Southeast.
While our business has grown exponentially, our customer service approach has remained rooted in the same guiding principle – to deliver the laundry industry’s highest level of customer service; to provide high-performance, technologically advanced and proven laundry equipment; and to operate an ethical, trustworthy company, whose main focus is “You.”