
We all have limiting beliefs that stop us from even trying at certain things. Sometimes they come from things we’ve been told all of our lives, and we have never actually found out if it’s true. Other times, we get lazy and tired and stop trying. Here are a few of the limiting beliefs I hear from clients time and time again. These limiting beliefs get in the way of business growth and they get in the way of experiencing Joy and peace of mind.

Limitation #1 – “I don’t have enough time.”

We all have the same amount of time. So it isn’t really that you don’t have enough time; it’s usually that you aren’t committed or don’t really want whatever you say you want.  

The question is — Can you dial up your commitment? Can you get it on your calendar? Can you create an event to get it done?  

Have you ever had an AMAZINGLY productive, although slightly stressful, day right before a vacation? Of course, you have! When the pressure is on, we get stuff done. In the book, The Ten Faces of Innovation, author Tom Kelly tells us that the best, most innovative ideas come when we are limited on time and money.  

Perhaps next time you find yourself using the words, “I don’t have enough time,” you should create a hard deadline for yourself. (Or plan a vacation…. Seriously….when we compress our schedules and have more fun we often get more done for a lot of reasons.)

Limitation #2 – “Nobody can do it as well as me.”

Stop saying this to others and yourself! Even if it is true RIGHT NOW. It isn’t helpful to roll around in the mud hole of how awesome you are. 

Someone out there can do most of what you can do as good as or better than you. You just haven’t found them yet, or you may not have the cash to hire them right now.

The ego-centric self-talk of elevating yourself over others will not help.

Even if they can’t do it as well as you, even if it takes them 8 hours to do what you can do in 2 – it is still worth it to delegate it properly….when you have the cash to do so.

Here is a system for teaching others and helping them become more competent.  I shot this in West Virginia on a mission trip with kids that did not know how to do construction tasks…  

Watch this video:

Limitation #3 – “I don’t know how.”

That’s probably true, but what’s stopping you from learning. Having a growth mindset is the difference between those that barely get by and those that thrive. 

We often forget that we were not always experts or highly competent at what comes easy to us now. So we need to keep our learning muscles active. 

Think about it… if you want it, you’ll figure out “how”.  It’s always a want to problem.  You’ve done this many times before.  

When you dial up your intention you will become very resourceful.  You’ll watch Youtube videos.  You’ll ask others for help.  You’ll try and try again.  And, you will learn.

What is something you are NOT doing in business because you don’t know how or you don’t understand it?

Limitation #4 – “I don’t have a clear vision of what I’m working toward.”

Take time to talk out loud with a professional business coach (like me) or someone who cares about how things ARE in three years. Using present tense language is essential. It will help you envision how it feels.

Have your listening partner ask questions to get more clear on how things are. First, have them ask you questions about how you did it. Then, have them ask you questions to look back over the past three years and see the path. 

Close your eyes and breathe.

Coach Aaron Caulfield first did this with me, and after he did, I kept asking him to do this work with me again. My clients are the same…initially, it seems weird or woo woo… but it works.

Limitation #5 – “Finding good employees is impossible.”

Take time to get very clear on what the job is and what the job does. 

Imagine the perfect person for the job. What traits will they have? What behavioral and communication tendencies should they have? What skills should they come with vs. what will you train? Are they “Humble, hungry, and smart,” as Patrick Lencioni says? How will you know them if they show up? Why should they leave their current job and work for you? What financial and intellectual, and emotional compensation do you provide? Why is your team THE team they should be a part of? 

Have a thorough process. Write compelling employment ads. If you realize you don’t have much to offer – then fix that!

Limiting beliefs are LIES. Flat-out lies! Pay attention to what you tell yourself and be intentional about breaking through those silly barriers so you can find the path to greater success!