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At Business Builder Camp, we know the value of a mastermind group. Our groups have high integrity and encouraging atmospheres that also provide a huge level of accountability to the business owners (The Builders) who are part of the group.

But our mastermind group is not the only one in existence, and we are thankful for that! There are a variety of mastermind groups that we have been a part of, participated in, and learned so much from!

Our Top 10 Mastermind Groups

Below are what we have deemed to be the top 10 mastermind groups for business owners. While this is very much our opinion, it is also our experience. These mastermind groups have impacted us personally in our leadership journey, and we wanted to share and recommend them to you.

1. Business Builder Camp

Believe it or not, we love our tribe, our group of business owners who are seeking to build a successful business and do so much more. Our members share life together and are looking to not only have their businesses succeed and grow, but they are each seeking to have a successful life. Learn what it means to be a Business Builder. We pursue success in the pillars of the Business Builder Way, together.

Join our Mastermind Group or learn about our business coaching.

2. 48-Day Eaglepreneur Program

Eagleprenuers is a dynamic mastermind group that helps people succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors. It is directed by well-known career coach Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work You Love.

Members receive coaching on strategy, mentality, and goal-setting to achieve accelerated achievement through a structured 48-day program. This group has an approval process, and our very own Wayne Herring is a current member of the Eaglepreneur program.

3. Iron Sharpens Iron: View From The Top

Iron Sharpens Iron was founded by Aaron Walker and is based on the idea that deep connections make people stronger. ISI’s focus is “from Success to Significance”. Members of this close-knit community mastermind group share experiences, hold one another responsible and support one another’s growth on both a personal and professional level.

This group looks at life, our personal identity, and business through a biblical lens. Wayne Herring has also been a member of this group in the past and grew as a result of this group.

4. Vistage

One of the top executive coaching organizations in the world is Vistage. Vistage, a business leadership organization, offers members a private forum to talk about obstacles, exchange ideas, and get professional advice to improve their decision-making and leadership abilities. Vistage groups are well known and have several offerings for Professionals and for larger company CEOs.

5. C12: Christian Organization

C12 is a special mastermind group that is focused on Christian business owners. Their approach is looking at transformational leadership and making sure you are not leading alone. Some groups have the approach of a bible study, while others have the feeling of a peer mentoring and discipleship group. C12, aimed at Christian business executives, blends spiritual teachings with tactical business talks to foster a holistic growth environment.

6. 7-Day Men’s Immersions Ankush Jain

The Powerful Men’s Immersion is a mastermind group led by Ankush Jain that combines virtual communication with live retreats. This is a community for men looking for significant personal growth and game-changing business tactics. Ankush also offers 1:1 coaching and a school for coaches.

Wayne attended an Immersion at a farm in southern England with this group in the spring of 2022 and it was an amazing experience. Wayne loved the group and the focused work but also the walking on English countryside each morning, seeing fallow and Sitka deer, and going into town for a traditional Sunday roast. Ankush has done a lot of work with the 3 Principals of Sydney Banks and helped Wayne see THOUGHT more clearly.

7. Front Row Dads: Dads First, Then Business

Front Row Dads emphasizes how important fatherhood is. This mastermind group is committed to helping men successfully manage their time, specifically the time they spend with their businesses and family. It provides a tight-knit community for fathers to exchange knowledge on good leadership and parenting.

Jon Vroman has interviewed Wayne on his podcast and we admire this group for fatherhood first and then business. They have an online program plus live events. Well known author of the Miracle Morning is a friend of Vroman’s and attends their events quite often.

8. GoBundance

GoBundance is a network for high performers that focuses on lifestyle and community. Abundance is focused on financial independence, personal growth, and adventure. GoBundance focuses on creating an atmosphere where members can experience life to the fullest. GoBundance has a lot of real estate investors in their group. They have minimum net worth requirements for joining certain programs and if you are a $2Millionaire you may like that exclusivity.

9. Order of Man, Ryan Michler

Order of Man is a mastermind group that Ryan Michler founded with the goal of giving men the skills and resources they need to improve as leaders in their homes, companies, and communities. It places a strong emphasis on accountability and ongoing development.

10. Joe Polish Genius Network

Joe Polish, a marketing professional, founded The Genius Network, a mastermind club for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Members obtain knowledge and tactics to grow their businesses by focusing on innovation and teamwork.

Get Involved With A Mastermind Group

These mastermind groups each provide a different strategy for business and personal growth. Regardless of your role as an entrepreneur, executive, or dedicated father (or mother!), there’s a mastermind group designed to meet your needs.

Getting involved in one of these excellent communities will not only change your business, but it will change you and your very approach to life. Join us and grow.