Blake Brewer teaches parents to write a Legacy letter to their children. It seems like such a simple concept – capture the values that matter to you and share them with your children. However, doing so stops most people in their tracks.
When Blake sought out a way to build a business that makes a real difference, he looked to two of his heroes, Terry Bradshaw and his Dad. Fortunately, the two were best friends, so their joint influence was even more powerful than each independently.
“My dad liked me and enjoyed being with me. That gift was one of the best gifts he ever gave me and is one of the best gifts I can give my children,” Blake shares.
In the wake of the tragic death of his dad, Blake was gifted a letter from his father. That letter helped him navigate the grief that he felt. The power of this single letter carried him through the months following and gave him something to hold onto as he dealt with the pain and loneliness of life without his father.
Blakes goal is now to help 1 million dads write a meaningful, well-written letter to their children.
Get Blake’s 3 Secrets to an Impactful Legacy Letter + 6 Mistakes to Avoid.