SMARTPHONE FREE DAY… This isn’t about hiring great SalesPeople like most of my posts…this is about Life and Living it!
Yesterday I was having a bad morning…. I was freaked out about work and piling up obligations and farm work and too much vacation, (real problem right?)…. it was all crap, all “luxury problems”, all really just a normal July – this always happens… I had been taking Thomas (my 5 year old) to cub scout camp all week and then trying to get caught up on work at night and at 4:30 in the morning… and it wasn’t happening. I tried something crazy yesterday to try to relieve all of this overload… I LEFT MY SMART PHONE AT HOME and went to Camp with Thomas and a great book about wilderness. AND… I was REALLY there all day long. I was REALLY with Thomas and the other kids and for some of the time I was with Edward Abbey and the Moab area desert. (during one particularly boring craft time with lots of volunteer help) It was totally rejuvenating!
Many of us, not all of us, fool ourselves into thinking we NEED our phones to take photos or check the weather or in case of an emergency… but then we can’t resist checking Facebook (or LinkedIn in my case) or texting with people.
We really don’t need these suckers…we are good without them. Life really happens when we don’t have them. Amazingly I never “snuck a peak at my phone” because it was at home. I did think of it though…so I took out a piece of paper and wrote this message and then today I took a photo of it and the book. Note that there is one piece of paper sticking out of the book…it is a funeral card for my Great Grandma Martha Herring. She lived to be 96…died almost exactly 10 years ago on July 21… she was so simple and so loving and mothered a beautiful and huge family. She never had a smart phone. (She did have one of those party lines though when I was a kid.) Take a phone free day. Do it soon. I am scheduling another one. Don’t take your phone but promise not to use it – just don’t take it. Period.. Happy Friday.