…I hope you find an event like the one in the photo to share with your children. Event driven marketing works for client attraction and conversion and Event driven Daddy/daughter time works to get things in my calendar and be sure I make memories and true happiness…. I registered for this in our community. We live in a small town… I have done business networking events at this B&B, the owner used to buy eggs and ham from us at the farm, and the theater it benefits is a place I have taken my children for free movies sponsored by the local bank…. while I’m on that topic – the other night I took my son to bat in the indoor facility that my best friend from HS basically GC’d with volunteer labor plus donations from area contractors. 3 of us ran the practice – 3 dads…. we all played Varsity baseball together and the coach used to tell us that someday he hoped we would be working with kids and that we would teach them right.
In a world where you can see instantly on Social Media the oft-inflated success of other Business Builders… do NOT BE ASHAMED or feel like you aren’t big enough if you build a small but mighty business in your Community. It makes a Huge difference to all whom you touch!
ROCK ON. I’m in your corner and I’m glad you’re in mine!