Expanding Horizons: Susie Touchinsky's Vision for Mentorship and Growth in Business

Business Builder Way Ft. Susie Touchinsky

In this episode, we are joined by Susie Touchinsky, Owner of Adaptive Mobility Services.

Welcome back to the Business Builder Way podcast! In today's episode, we have a special guest joining us: Susie Touchinsky. Susie is a mentor and entrepreneur who has recently started mentoring others in her field. She's here to share her insights on building a successful business and discuss some of the challenges she's encountered along the way.

From the rising cost of insurance and liability coverage to the difficulties of phone communication and driving with clients, Susie has a wealth of knowledge to share. Join us as we dive deep into her journey and explore how she's navigated these obstacles. Plus, we'll get a sneak peek into the next chapter of her business and the exciting programs and services she's considering. Stay tuned for an inspiring and informative episode on the power of community, mentorship, and strategic growth. Let's get started on the Business Builder Way!

Susie Touchinsky

Learn More About Susie

Susie is one of the Business Builders. Learn more about Susie Touchinsky and meet the rest of the Business Builders.

Creating a Mentorship Network:

"I really feel strongly about people having a piece of something for themselves... I want people to be empowered and build something for themselves like I did."

About Susie In This Episode

Susie Touchinsky is an expert in adaptive driving technologies, specializing in teaching individuals with physical disabilities how to drive using hand controls. She is dedicated to helping those who are unable to use their legs due to amputation, neuropathy, spinal stenosis, or loss of sensation in their feet. Through her guidance, Susie instructs people on how to operate hand controls, which involve using one hand for gas and brake, and the other hand for steering.

Additionally, she is skilled in teaching individuals how to drive with their left foot by utilizing a specialized pedal on the opposite side of the brake. This method proves to be more challenging, as it requires adjusting to the reversed gas-brake configuration. Susie Touchinsky's contributions in the field of adaptive driving have undoubtedly improved the quality of life for many people overcoming physical obstacles.




Coaching is an investment of time and money. It’s intense work that required you to be focused on your own personal and business growth. 



Groups of business owners who come together to learn, share encouragement and push one another toward new levels of greatness.



Your team needs intentional time away for training. Come to the farm to gain clarity, connection, and a path forward.



Book club is a great way to try out the network to see if it is a fit for you. Give it a try this month - it’s free and fun. Plus, you'll learn a lot from the book and conversation!



To say that I get it is an understatement. I have lived and worked through the good times and bad as a business owner, husband, parent and provider.

I grew up with strong role models who had entrepreneurship running through their blood. I learned from them - the good and the bad. But all of that didn’t stop me from making my own set of mistakes. I still had to make and learn from my own, sometimes catastrophic, errors of judgement.

Now, I am building a business just like you. I am proud of the growth I’ve accomplished within myself and my business. I also know that my growth is a journey, not a destination and that I need mentors, team members, coaches, and trusted friends to help me stay the course.

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