Wayne Herring
Hey, buddy. Welcome to the Business Builder Way podcast. Good to have you again. And this round, we are focused on telling a little bit of a shorter version of who you are, what's going on in your world and the business that you're building so that anybody who's considering Joining the business builders can get to know you better and know that you're the type of professional that they'll be hanging out with spending time from learning from, and anybody new who joins the group. We want to be able to get them up to speed quickly on, on who everybody is. So you need to be super serious today and no
Buddy Touchinsky
messing around. To the point. Yeah. Pleasure to be here. Always happy to join you for a chat and help others.
Wayne Herring
Great. And you've been a super member of our group. I know you pour into lots of other people that are on the entrepreneurial journey. So first question which could go lots of places. Who are you and why
Buddy Touchinsky
are you here? Yeah. So my name is Buddy Tachinsky. I am a business owner. I'm a chiropractor and I've had several businesses over the years. The current ones are Healthy Habits Natural Market, which is a local brick and mortar health food store. And then we just launched about a year and a half ago in 2022, I guess, was peak integrative medicine where we have five different medical providers there ranging from we have an osteopath. We have two nurse practitioners, another chiropractor and myself, health coaches. And we try to blend the conventional medicine, the regular medicine, we'll call it with what I've learned from the functional medicine, integrative medicine world.
Buddy Touchinsky
And I'm here in this group with the business builders because. I realized three or four years ago, maybe longer at this point that I could only go so far on my own and I didn't know what I didn't know. So I joined one of the live retreats and fell in love with the process. I left that week kind of not knowing how I made it as far in business as I did without failing. And The hope was when I joined this group of great people that we get to spend a lot of time with and learn from that it would take my life and my business to the next level. And it certainly has. I honestly, a hundred percent believe that the new integrative medical practice, which was a huge undertaking for myself would not have happened if it wasn't for this group. Nice.
Wayne Herring
And one of the things I also hope from this round of podcast happens is that a year from now you're able to look back at this, and this episode that we're recording serves as a reminder of how far you've come and where you were. So where are you at right now with Peak? How would you describe where you're
Buddy Touchinsky
at right now? We're just coming off our grand opening in March, so that's like three, four months ago now. And after a Long year, difficult year. I'm at the kind of a little bit of a lull here. So I took a little bit of a break this past few months, but I'm just kind of enjoying the experience and look back at the most difficult times and times where I would sit there and kind of say to myself, once we get through this, and once we. Start getting revenue in and members it's going to be really, really sweet. And we still have a long way to go to where we want to be, but it's pretty sweet sitting here right now, seeing what we've accomplished this past year, ironing out some of the systems that we needed to iron out tracking the people we needed to track in order to have a really great team. And so, yeah, I'm in a really, really good place right now and looking ahead. To that next step up which will be coming up here in the next few months as we take what we've done so far and then accelerate it.
Wayne Herring
Okay so looking ahead, but then also having the opportunity to look back at the, you know, time not so long ago where you hadn't even broken ground yet on the actual brick and mortar, and you're trying to put programs together get your first members. Who were you as a business builder? Like, how did you have to show up? What did you have to do? What are the things you thought about then? And who can you see that you need to be next?
Buddy Touchinsky
Back about a year ago, what I had to do was. Take those moments where I was in freak out mode and figure out ways to get through that. And part of that was showing up to our weekly meetings. I think we might've been every other week at that point reach out for help when I needed help. So I've certainly texted you and I shared some things with you and you help share some resources and talk me through some things there and just continuing to keep my eye on the mission and the vision. And when times got really, really difficult, it was speaking to the people that we ultimately wanted to serve our patients and our members and people that in the community and just looking at that vision and knowing that I know this is what I see in the future, us doing, and we might not know exactly how to get from here to there, but we'll just keep taking those next few steps and we'll eventually get there. That's what we did. And who do I need to become the next step? I guess that's where right now I'm.
Buddy Touchinsky
Taking a little bit of a pause and kind of trying to figure that out and seeing, what are the next set of skills or what do we need? Or do I already have them? And do we just need to execute on some of the things that I've learned over these past few years? And so, yeah. Right, because in the
Wayne Herring
next phase, it becomes less about that survival, gotta get it all, and becomes you're working to be kind of a higher level leader, you've got these other professionals on staff that you're coaching and collaborating with on patient cases, and we've talked about flywheel turning, right, like you're, Looking to make sure the flywheel is, is turning and show up as CEO.
Buddy Touchinsky
Yeah. And a big part of that, you mentioned the team and just trusting the team to do their job and to give them more responsibilities and not trying to do it all myself. I think that's probably the next step. And I I've gotten a lot better with that, but I still struggle with that at times. Well, the other part
Wayne Herring
you had been through several times, right? So I think at times we have people that come to us or who may listen to this, who are in that stage we have some that would be considering starting the business, and then we have some that are taking the first tentative steps, And you've done that several times, but this place of where you're at now, and then going to this. Yeah, kind of next level. It's just, it's new.
Buddy Touchinsky
Yeah. So at this point in the past with the other businesses, I probably would have kind of stopped. Like, get to that break even point, get to where I'm making a couple bucks, and then almost becoming bored with it, or working so hard, getting burnt out, and then just kind of staying in that phase for an extended period of time, where, yeah, things are getting by, things are going okay, but with this new business, I'm committed to. Just making it better and better and pushing through. Nice.
Wayne Herring
So yeah, that speaks to the business part and who you are and what you're building. The other thing we do in, in business builders is certainly we talk about life and just today you and I were on a mastermind call with a fellow member who. And his cave said something happened in life that was hard in the moment and not what he wished would have. And yet he's going to use that as kind of a jumping off point to make some changes and create something new. So we talk about life and sometimes we talk about like a kind of a crisis moment like that. We get to know each other so that it's not abnormal to show up and talk about that. We also, just kind of a sense of what each other does in a more normal weekend setting. So who are you? In, in life and outside of peak integrative.
Wayne Herring
What do you like to do?
Buddy Touchinsky
Picking up more golf lately now that I have a little bit more time and money to do so. It's been fun hanging out with friends and friends from high school in the area that we played a bunch of rounds with last week. Hanging out the family during Kobe, we just Really liked hanging out in our yard with a bunch of friends and just being nice, chill, and relaxed. And so we've been doing a lot of that lately. But on the other hand we like traveling a lot too. We did an Italy trip last year and that was fantastic. And I'm looking forward to doing that on a more regular basis where we're going some places and our daughter's 10 now. And she's at that age where we can start taking her on some of these bigger trips and she'll appreciate it.
Buddy Touchinsky
And she'll be able to hang out with us and hike however many miles we need to hike. And might be, don't tell her, her this, but we're looking at a Disney trip this winter and she loves Star Wars, so we want to get down there as well. So, it's nice to be able to find that, that balance where we're not working all the time. Like I still get those streaks where I'm like always thinking about the business and I'll be sitting at home here and I know my wife Susie is trying to tell me something about her day or ask me a question or what's coming up and I got the wheels turning and it can be a little tension or sometimes, so it's a constant battle where you're constantly fighting that balance where you're thinking about stuff and you need that white space to kind of think of ideas and vision, but at the same time you need to be present for your. Yeah. And so something
Wayne Herring
unique about you that you touched on there. And there's other people in this situation, but you're also you're married to a business builder. your wife, Susie has her own business called adaptive mobility, What's it like to be married to a entrepreneur, to a business builder?
Buddy Touchinsky
So she's probably had the business now. Oh, man, I'm gonna get it wrong, but I'm probably at least 10 years. But the difference is there are just a lot more freedom. So that's kind of nice where we can plan a trip to go away and we can make it work. We don't have to worry about vacation days or coverage time or anything like that. I know she gets a lot more time to hang out with Megan, like she took off the afternoon yesterday and they went shopping for back to school business in general, it's funny, but we don't talk about it that much. And I feel like that's her space. And sometimes I get to the point where I'm the.
Buddy Touchinsky
Problem solver. I want to fix things. And then when she brings up something, I just want to go into that mode. And that's not necessarily what she needs. And vice versa, we don't spend a lot of time in each other's businesses, so we don't know the details quite as much. So we try to keep our own space with those. But when we do have issues, we can bring them up and we can talk about them and that's nice too.
Wayne Herring
You said we shouldn't mention Disney for Megan. And I thought whenever we start talking about our spouse when they're also in the same group as we are, that's a interesting place to go. But the two of you are are individually wonderful to work with. And it's a really kind of a special thing to also have both of you as a team as part of our group also. One of things I'm curious about, you've been doing it for a long time, as you said, you came to the first live meetup that I ever did in 2018. And then I didn't really have a consistent program. I was experimenting with what I wanted to create. But then as we really got the.
Wayne Herring
Program going you join. So you've been part of it for a while and I would say you do it well and you've been in other mastermind groups as well, with your mentor Sachin. So I think you have a particularly good opinion on this how How should somebody do business builders or any other program that they're in? Like, how can somebody make the most of being in this environment with other entrepreneurs?
Buddy Touchinsky
I think participation is key. So I try to show up consistently. I blocked that time out. I know in the another mentorship I'm in, there are some people that do that and they do well, and there are other people that they busy work hours that day where they just don't make it work. And I made a conscious decision early on with this one and the other one that I'm going to block out those couple hours a week and just attend unless I'm on vacation or unless like I have a health fair tomorrow, I'm going to miss the one tomorrow. But save for that, I mean, I hardly miss any of those at all. And I think that's been huge for me. And prior to joining a group like this, I'm like, ah, what do you get out of a mentorship? It's kind of like a personal trainer.
Buddy Touchinsky
Like the, the myth of personal trainers, they stand over top of you yelling in your face to do an extra rep. That's not really what they do. They design a program for you and help you through form and all that stuff. So same thing here. I don't know what I had what kind of preconceived notion I had in my mind of what a mastermind or a coach would be. But it was kind of like that where it's like, Oh, you're just telling me what I should, should be doing anyway. Well, that's good, too, because that happens. But for accountability for support, just keep showing up participating.
Buddy Touchinsky
I love helping others. That's why I'm in the profession I'm in. And I like helping others that are a couple steps behind me. And so to see new people coming in a group. And see what struggles they're going through. Knowing that I've been through them. It's just nice to reach out and reassure them that everything's going to be okay. And here's some ideas and here's some thoughts that might work for them.
Buddy Touchinsky
It just works out really well with this, that participation showing up all the time and then trying to help others as much as the help you've received from a group like this.
Wayne Herring
So, we have weekly zoom calls that we do and there's showing up and consistency and getting to know people there. We also have live meetups that we do where we're together with people for two or three days and. You are local, of course, or where I live. So you sometimes stay overnight and sometimes you make a decision to come for the day and then, go home to your family. And of course, you and Susie, both of you having your own business. Sometimes that factors in the decision. Plus. Do you want to stay somewhere that is seven minutes from your house, which I totally get? But in those events in those live events, how do you immerse yourself in that for two or three days? And, and how does that help you being in that environment with other business owners?
Buddy Touchinsky
I like those immersions because it's like a reset every four months and it's just nice to get out of the work environment. Get away from the house for the day. Get away from the business for the day and just sit with the other business builders. I love the breakout groups where you go and you get to learn from each other there and people end up asking you questions that make you think and kind of give you a little bit of a push and the whole group. Everyone's encouraging. So I think it works. Forget who I was with last time, but I was sitting there and I had my goals laid out and they said, well, why don't you go for this number instead of that lower number you have there? What would it look like for you to get there instead? So it's like, all right, cross that out, write the bigger number. And next thing you know, you're hitting that bigger number instead.
Buddy Touchinsky
I love those breaks where we can look back and then look ahead. And it's kind of forced journaling time for me too, because I'm not a natural at journaling. Like it just doesn't come easy to me and I don't always do it. I don't always set aside the time, but during those sessions I do. And then I usually write quite a bit. Yeah.
Wayne Herring
How do you. It was going to really maybe be an odd question or open, but how do you think it works that somebody gets an idea in their head for what they're going to create and then it happens, or how does somebody sit and have a number and somebody else says to them, well, what if it were that number and they cross it out and they're like, how's this working where we're like creating this stuff on our mind, but then it. Often comes to pass or I don't know. What do you think about that? It's not really a great question. How does
Buddy Touchinsky
that work? But no, yeah, I know. I know what you mean, because it's because it's funny how that works, because the numbers did show up when we got to those months and even back in Savannah in January, I wrote down some numbers and they're kind of stretch for us. I thought at the time, but we ended up meeting all those goals for that next quarter and what they have happened if I wouldn't written it down. I don't know, but it gave me something to shoot towards. It's like archery aim at the target. What if he just pulled the bow back into a shot? Like who knows where you hit? So at least it gave me something to shoot for. And then you have to start thinking more about, all right, that seems like a lot to me, but how do we get there? And you start breaking it down by the numbers. It's like, okay, if you do so much of this service at this dollar amount, you do so much of this service at this dollar amount and you kind of see each one and then we'll have, what do I need to get to those dollar amounts? And then you see, well, yeah, it isn't that difficult, but I need to start hustling now to get there and need to do these.
Buddy Touchinsky
Three activities to get that amount of sales. So it just I think it just kind of changes the way you look at once gamifies it a little bit, which for me, I know helps. It's just something. Yeah, just a little bit of extra motivation. What
Wayne Herring
would you say to somebody who and you and I were messaging not that long ago about a particular person who seems to have had their first Is in the stage of their business where they're grinding it out, right? Like they're doing a lot of the work and they're feeling underwater a lot of times, and they feel like they want to break through this place of just go, go, go, go, go being stressed all the time. And yet when you're in that spot, it feels like how in the world could I ever get the time to go spend two days with other business owners where I'm not. A revenue producing piece of my business because we do have to watch our dollars and cents. And if, for example, hiring a bunch of people that are doing overhead tasks might be a fun party to have or something, but if they aren't actually generating dollars, we're going to run out of money. So I get it. What advice would you give to somebody that's trying to decide if it's the right time to check out for a couple of
Buddy Touchinsky
days. Right. That's a tough one for me because I don't identify with that mindset at all at this point. And maybe I did in the past, but I can't remember that part of me. I guess I can understand that how it feels that way sometimes, but the, the strides you make when you take those couple of days and invest it. It's an investment. You're gonna put these dollars towards something, but the return on investment is gonna be much more than what you've invested. So I think this is the same way where an hour a week, I mean, if you don't have an hour in a week, maybe you need this even more.
Buddy Touchinsky
It's kind of like that old saying where the young buck goes to the To the yogi and says can you help me? And the yogi says, yeah, you need to meditate for an hour a day. And he's like, I can't do an hour a day. He said, well, you need to meditate three hours a day. Meaning that you can't figure out one hour, then you really needed to do extra in order to figure out your life enough to get that extra hour a day. So I think probably my advice would be the same in this respect, where you can't find an hour or two a week and then plus three days, what, every four months, then Maybe you needed this even more and at least come to one and see how it goes or, or join the group and do the hours the hour each weekend and see what you get out of it. But I think that the efficiencies that you'll get and the knowledge you'll learn will far exceed the amount of time invested. And you
Wayne Herring
were, if I recall, you were kind of there when you went to that event in 2018, where you shared with me, there was a little bit of thinking about, all right, like, what's really going to happen here? Go into some house with some strangers in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for 2 days.
Buddy Touchinsky
Right. I can imagine that. There's a cost associated with it. There's the time investment missing middle of the week. And I was kind of wondering why don't you do over the weekend, but I kind of like the middle of the week. So you don't miss the family time then. But I guess I, with that point in time, I was just ready for something different and knew I needed a change. And so maybe that's the difference between the person that says, Oh, I just don't have the time and the person that will take the leap and, and see what happens.
Wayne Herring
Two more questions as we work to wrap up. One is that business builders. I think one of the things we do together is we are people who like to live intentionally. We like to create things. We like to get ideas and then maybe consider it for a while, but then action it and and start to take steps towards it. And that could be. In business and creating a new piece or chunk or equipment or product line, or it can be in life and my observation to you is you work to live intentionally when it comes to wellness, when it comes to being proactive with your health. We've spent time doing cold water immersion together with a local group of people after yoga sometimes.
Wayne Herring
And yoga is part of your studio. And I know that you're working on something right now with. cardiac health and helping people to be more proactive about identifying risk factors and what they might do when they're at the doctor. Could you just share a little bit about what does intentional living mean to you?
Buddy Touchinsky
It goes back to just goal setting, I believe. And we need to have goals for different parts of our lives and the parts of our business. And I didn't always do that, so I kind of floundered a little bit, but that's probably the biggest difference now is that I have an idea of where I want to go with things. And I try to take that over into the healthcare world as well. And because sometimes it's like they're between working out and training. Like when you're training, you mentioned that you might do a 50 miler. Or 50k. I forget which one.
Buddy Touchinsky
So when you're out for a run training or training for that, it's different probably than when you just go out for a run just to exercise. So I feel like that's the same thing when we're looking at blood work results and we're telling people to eat healthy, to take these supplements, to eat these types of foods because, okay, here's your risk factors. Here's the specific number. We want to see this move. So do this. Here's a plan for the next three months and we're going to retest it. So that's setting a goal for them is to see that number come down and then keep working towards goals like that, versus just saying you need to eat better and exercise more. See you next year.
Buddy Touchinsky
So the frequent check ins are frequent follow ups and like this group here, we check in once a week, Monday and Friday. So we got that mini check in. And then we have, it could be like someone checking their blood pressure every day. And then you have the quarterly check ins, that could be like the quarterly blood work. And then you have your full annual physical once a year. But I think having different checkpoints and then following up with them, paying attention to them, reviewing them is important as well.
Wayne Herring
Yeah, and to the point about training and use running as an example, training for an event is different than just going out running. I, I think one of the things that we talk about in our group at Business Builders, and I'm a member of a different mastermind group, and one of the things I love about being in that is I'm with people where we talk about both those things, or we work on both of those things. Sometimes we're Setting goals and training, as you said, or sometimes we're like you thinking I'm going to build a brick and mortar practice and then you're going towards that. I do believe the other part of the equation is finding joy, contentment, satisfaction. I think we're in such a world of. Trying to keep up with the Joneses on social media and that is endemic in entrepreneur world where I see this stuff, which may or may not be true. And it's really easy to have my thoughts go in a place that would steal my joy and have me not just be present and kind of content sometimes. And you said you're in a zone right now where you're, you know, kind of sitting and evaluating what's next, which is a good
Buddy Touchinsky
thing. Yeah, that's something I haven't quite figured out yet is, is being able to be. As contented as I'm pretty content right now, but you always have that kind of leak into your mind where it's like, okay, we want to be here instead. and I'm always waiting and maybe you never get there. Who knows? But like, Oh, once I hit here, then I'll be content. But do you ever get there when, when you're in our shoes? Maybe, maybe not, or maybe you get partway there, but so we'll see how that goes over the next few years here.
Wayne Herring
Well, I'm sure that it's not as you alluded to. It's not dependent on achievement of some external condition. I'm sure that that's not the case. I'm sure it's more working on me inside right now. Right? Yeah. Any last bit of advice to business builders in general, other people that are on the path like you are things we've learned
Buddy Touchinsky
along the way. The last thing I would say is that if you haven't been a member of a group like this, a mastermind group, you're not a member now give it a try I took like a little leap of faith, like you mentioned back in Gettysburg. And it's changed the trajectory of my life and my career and just being around people that. Are similar in a way, but different is has been super valuable. It's people with different backgrounds and business, different types of businesses. Like, I don't know if there's any other health care providers necessarily other than my wife that sets in our group. But I learned from the kitchen builder from the hotel builder from the funeral home director, all of them. So it's been it's been really great.
Buddy Touchinsky
And it's been a stretch to because We all grow up with our past experiences and life experiences and what I know of the people in my family and the generation before me. And that's kind of the ceiling that I was up against at that point in time. I didn't have any entrepreneurs or like that to learn from. So you, put your ceiling here, but really there is no ceiling. And what some of these people have taught me in this group is that, there's, there's huge possibilities. Awesome. Well,
Wayne Herring
thanks for coming and spending your time to share your story and who you are with everybody else and enjoy the rest of your day and go get them buddies. Awesome. Thank you.